Sgt. Samways

Please add your opinion , ideas about this character of the book


  1. Mr. Samways is the village police man. He ride a bicycle . He is a friendly and always on villager side .

  2. I'm Rares Ples. Mr. Samways was a policeman and he was always ridding the bike.

  3. Hi I am Alecsandra from Romania. Sgt. Samways is The local policeman. When William is accused of poaching, he falsifies the report, himself being a poacher.

  4. Ursulescu Florin-Alexandru25 November 2019 at 22:47

    I don't really have a strong opinion on this character but he's cool. He likes his bike and is a police officer. He has a funny way of talking.

  5. Hello I am Alexandra from Romania.
    Mr Samways was the city policeman, a friendly, kind and soulful man.

  6. Hello my name is Esra from turkey. My school is DR. TAHSİN TOLA M.T.A.L.
    Mr samways is a guard . he is fair and trustworty. he like to pheasant eat.

  7. hello my name is duygu irem from turkey. my school is DR TAHSİN TOLA M.T.A.L
    Village authurized, he is proud and confident, fat and bushy.

  8. Mr. Samways is a proud police officer

  9. Mr. Samways was a policeman. He likes riding bike.


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